Sunday, August 21, 2011


Well, I have officially started a blog...eek! I have been inspired by many who share their hearts and their desires and I would like to add my two cents into the mix.

I enjoy creating! It can be something as simple as coloring in a coloring book, to making cookies, to painting a canvas, to redesigning my living room (or maybe yours...). My blog will be a mixture of Do It Yourself (DIY) projects, Fix It Ups (FIU) jobs, room/space redesigns, and many other ideas. I hope I can create a community where we all can share our thoughts and ideas and offer support.

I doubt I will post everyday or every other day. I mean really, I work part-timealmost full time hours, and am a mom to two sweet children, a wife to an amazing man, and most importantly a child of God. So while my focus is on them, when I have time I will focus on my creations and share them.

Happy 3 week of August! I pray you all have a great week.
Aseason BKA Autumn